SibFU rises in the Nature Index Ranking | Siberian Federal University

SibFU rises in the Nature Index Ranking

Siberian Federal University has risen in the annual global scientometric Nature Index Ranking and entered the top-500. The Nature Index Ranking is formed by Nature, one of the oldest and most respected general scientific journals in the world. The ranking reflects the publication activity of scientific institutions from around the world based on the analysis of articles in top scientific journals.

The assessment is carried out according to two criteria: the total number of articles and the proportion of articles published in 82 prestigious scientific journals selected by an independent group of scientists and monitored by the Nature Index database.

The current ranking covers the period from 1 May 2020 to 1 April 2021. The university's position in the overall ranking is 486th, thus, SibFU ranks 27th among Russian universities (29th, in the previous year).

The ranking also goes by fields. In the sub-ratings, the university rose in chemistry, life sciences, earth and environmental sciences:

  • Physics — 51st in Russia;
  • Life sciences — 12th in Russia;
  • Earth and environmental sciences — 8th in Russia;
  • Chemistry — 16th in Russia.

The compilers of the ranking emphasize that the ranking is not standardized and does not take into account all the features of a particular scientific organization, however, they say that it is a valuable collection of the best and most popular scientific articles on natural sciences over the past year.

The authors of the best articles on natural science topics are:

  • Valentin Barinov, senior researcher of the Siberian Dendrochronological Laboratory;
  • Eugene Vaganov, scientific director of Siberian Federal University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Mikhail Gladyshev, head of the Department of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Viktor Ilyin, head of the Computer service sector at the training building of the School of Economics and Trade;
  • Pavel Mandryka, head of the Laboratory of Archeology of the Yenisei Siberia, Doctor of Science (in History);
  • Anastasia Knorre, associate professor of the Department of Ecology and Nature Resource Management, Candidate of Science (in Biology);
  • Vladimir Kolmakov, head of the Department of Medical and Biological Fundamentals of Physical Education and Health Technologies
  • Vladimir Myglan, head of the Siberian Dendrochronological Laboratory, Doctor of Science (in History);
  • Vladimir Shishov, head of the Department of Mathematical Methods and Information Technologies in Trade and Services, Doctor of Science (in Engineering).


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