“北极地区生命支持系统及风险管理技术”硕士课程 | 西伯利亚联邦大学






  • 介绍俄罗斯北极地区累积废物的处理方法;
  • 介绍工艺安全方面的崭新技术。



  • 确定和解决技术领域安全方面的工程问题;
  • 考虑到人工因素和应急风险计算和设计在北方和北极地区提供环境安全的系统;
  • 应用北方和北极地区特别危险废物的管理技术,包括极地附近地区的海水淡化使用的空化技术,地下水及废水处理。



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  • 技术科学博士,教授,西伯利亚联邦大学工业学院,技术领域安全教研室
  • “工程生态学及生命安全”协调员
  • 放射性废物管理专家

电话:+7 (391) 291-27-62


  • 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克工业学院。施工工程师, “暖通供热及空调通风” 专业,1981年。


  • 小型路子燃烧的水燃料化合物准备过程的效率(技术科学博士,2009);
  • 燃烧油及水燃料乳状液的燃烧方式设计(技术科学副博士,2000)。


  • 作为人类经济活动的结果技术领域的应急风险分析;
  • 北极附近地区的技术安全;
  • 放化厂的废物管理。

University and Professional appointments:

  • professor of chair «Engineering Ecology and Life Safety» of the Polytechnic Institute of SibFU;
  • leader of 2 Master programs: — Life Safety in Technosphere and — Emergencies in technosphere;
  • scientific leader of postgraduate study, specialties:
    • 03.00.16 — «Ecology»;
    • 05.14.01 — «Power systems and complexes»;
    • 05.14.04 — «Industrial power system»;
    • 05.11.13 — «Devices and methods of monitoring of an environment, substances, materials and products»;
    • 05.14.03 — «Nuclear power installations, including designing, operation and decommissioning»;
  • member of the Dissertation Council ДМ 212.099.07 in SibFU (branch technical science);
  • from 2008 till now — member of Independent Public Environmental Chamber (IPEC) of the Krasnoyarsk territory;
  • member of training and methodical Council SibRUMC;
  • the independent expert contest commission Control of natural resources branch Government of Krasnoyarsk territory;
  • expert on rationing of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere;
  • involved in the development of up a complete UMKD in the following subjects of the chair «Engineering Ecology and Life Safety»: «Ecology of technosphere» — team leader; «Industrial ecology» — team leader; «Fluid Dynamics» — implementer; «Theory basics of environmental protection» — implementer.


  • Grant of SibFU «Enhancement of computational methods for infiltration water intakes characteristics in the active zone of influence of gidrogeo- thermal factors of large water reservoirs»; Program of SibFU development; 1.06.2009 12.12.2009;
  • Grant of SibFU «The impact of emissions on the environment selitebnyh areas» Program of SibFU development; 1.06.2009 12.12.2009;
  • Grant of SibFU «Assessment and scientific analysis of the technical features of the existing groundwater water intakes for Krasnoyarsk»; Program of SibFU devel; 1.06.2008 12.12.2008;
  • Contractual work № 872 «Development of actions to create Education and research center (NOC) Hydrodynamics of high velocities» scientific leader (2012);
  • Grant of the Krasnoyarsk fegional fund of science and scientific and technical activities (KKFPN and NTD), project KF-260 « Program project of reconstruction and development for high-pressure hydraulic laboratory at the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric plant dam and organization of scientific clusters «Clean energy of Divnogorsk «« (2012);
  • Grant of the Krasnoyarsk region government for science lectures with higher qualification category (The law the Krasnoyarsk region by 20.06.2012 № 2-432 « About measures of social support of scientific-pedagogical staff of higher qualification»), 2013, 2014 и 2015;
  • R&D project « Elaboration of recommendations on disposal of oily wastes ZAO «Zeleniy gorod»« scientific leader (2015).

Academic subjects:

  • Theory basics of environment protection;
  • Basics of management of accumulated environmental damage;
  • Technological processes and polluting emissions;
  • Industrial Ecology;
  • Industrial and experimental investigations of pollutants in technospheric objects;
  • Environmental safety for technospheric objects;
  • Emissions rationing;
  • Ecology of technosphere.

Scholarships and professional development

  • 2006 — training in the educational unit of the «Integral» company (St. Petersburg) according to the program «Air protection. Software „Ecolog“»;
  • 2009 — advanced training course «Air protection. Software series «Ecolog»« and learning topics: Theoretical foundations of air protection and Practical application software «Ecolog» in the field of air protection фирма «Integral» company (St. Petersburg);
  • 2013 — advanced training course «The methodology of project management in of organization maintenance quality of education in the magistracy» (Moscow, MSTU MIRAE);
  • 2015 — advanced training on additional professional program «Ensuring environmental safety managers and specialists of environmental services and environmental control systems» (Krasnoyarsk, SibFU);
  • 2016 — research internships in the framework of the European Academy of Natural Sciences «The European experience in the field of waste management and technospheric safety» (Dusseldorf, Germany).

Honors, diplomas, memberships:

  • Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (decree № 1726/k-n by 30.11.2007),
  • Diploma of the Laureate of VII All-Russian competition «Engineer of the year» according to « Professional engineers» in nomination «Ecology and environment monitoring» (2007),
  • Award of the scientific council of KSTU for the best textbook (2007),
  • Award of the Scientific Council of KSTU for leading the best diploma (2007),
  • Medal «Veteran of the KSTU» (2007),
  • Letter of appreciation of administration of Krasnoyarsk region (2008),
  • Diploma of the Krasnoyarsk City Council of Deputies (2008),
  • Diploma of the Head of the city of Krasnoyarsk (2008),
  • Veteran of the Russian Federation of labour (2009).
  • Letter of appreciation of the Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk region (2009),
  • Medal «Vetaran of SibFU» (2010),
  • Breastplate «Emblem of Krasnoyarsk city» (2011),
  • Letter of Appreciation of administration Oktyabrsky district of Krasnoyarsk (2011),
  • Diplomas KSTU and SibFU (2000 2012).
  • Commemorative Medal of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (2014),
  • Commemorative Medal Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (2015) «For outstanding achievements and excellent scientific researches»,
  • Diploma of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (EAEN) conferring the honorary title «Honored Worker Science of Europe» for selfless devotion to science.
  • Academician of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety (MANEB) at the UN Department of Public Research;
  • Corresponding member of Peter's Academy of Arts and Sciences;
  • 2016 — visit-professor in the Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China);
  • 2016 — visit-professor in the Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok).

Participation in conferences

Member of more than 40-conferences and symposiums at various areas, for the last 5 years:

  • Environmental and engineering aspects for sustainable living: Program, Abstracts X International symposium Euro-Eco Hannover 2015, 1 2 Desember 2015,
  • Enviromental and engineering aspects for sustainable living: IX International symposium Euro-Eco Hannover 2014, 27 28 November 2014.
  • 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC10, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, September 15th–18th, Copenhagen, 2014.
  • Conference of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) «Solid waste: management and engineering solutions» – Moscow, «Crocus Expo», 2013.
  • Conference of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) «The advanced technology recycling and waste disposal: guidelines, application and selection criteria». – Moscow, «Crocus Expo», 2011.
  • III International scientific-practical conference «Waste Management a basis of the recovery of ecological balance in the Kuzbass» - Novokuznetsk, 2010;
  • XI All-Russian scientific-practical conference «Energy Efficiency of the city life support systems» Krasnoyarsk, 2010;
  • Member of the organizing committee and speaker of the First International Scientific and Technical Congress «Energy in a globalized world» Krasnoyarsk, 2010.

Major publications

Author of more than 150 publications, including 8 monographs, 5 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Teaching aids and monographs:

  1. Kulagina T.A., Kozin O.A., Matushenko A.I. Environmental safety of technospheric objects: Monograph, Krasnoyarsk: Publisher «Grotesk», 2015. – 328 p.
  2. Kulagina T.A., Kulagin V.A., Matushenko A.I. Technosphere safety in the nuclear power industry: Textbook. – Krasnoyarsk: Publisher «Grotesk», SibFU, 2014. – 286 p.
  3. Kulagina T.A. Determination of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the bodies under partial or in compressible flow supercavitation // Simulation and computational technology of distributed systems: Monograph. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2012. Chapter. 8. Pp. 318 390.
  4. Management of industrial and hazardous waste: Monograph / T.A. Kulagina, A.I. Matushenko, S.V. Komonov, E.N. Pisareva; Editor. B. F. Turutin. – Moscow: Publisher «Magenta», 2010. – 567 p.
  5. Ecology of Technosphere: Textbook. handbook for high schools / V. V. Gutenev, T.A. Kulagina, O. N. Rusak etc; editor. T. A. Kulagina. – Moscow: «Magenta», 2008. – 468 p.
  6. Kulagina T.A. Industrial Ecology. Manuals for sewage treatment plants: Guidance. Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University, 2007. 66 p.
  7. Encyclopedia of waste management: Guidance / A.I. Matushenko, T.A. Kulagina, G. P. Kruchkov, L. N. Gorbunova; editor A.I. Matushenko. – Moscow: Publisher «Magenta», 2007. 472 p.
  8. Production and consumption wastes: Encyclopedic reference dictionary: in 2 parts P. 1 / T.A. Kulagina, G.P. Kruchkov, A.I. Matushenko etc; editor O.N. Rusak and T.A. Kulagina. – Moscow: Publisher «Magenta», 2007. 426 p.
  9. Production and consumption wastes: Encyclopedic reference dictionary: in 2 parts. P. 2 / T.A. Kulagina, G. P. Kruchkov, A.I. Matushenko etc; editor O.N. Rusak and T.A. Kulagina. – Moscow: Publisher «Magenta», 2007. 466 p.
  10. Physics of atmosphere and hydrophysics: Tutorial / T.A. Kulagina, B.F. Turutin, A.I. Matushenko, V.A. Kulagin; editor. V.A. Kulagin. – Krasnoyarsk: IPC KSTU, 2006. – 499 p.
  11. Kulagina T.A. Technological supercavitating apparatus and installations / V.K. Viter, V.A. Kulagin, Large-scale gravitational hydrodynamic pipes: monograph Krasnoyarsk: IPC KSTU, 2006. Chapter. 5. Pp. 176–193.
  12. Kulagina T.A. Theory basics of environmental protection: Tutorial / T.A. Kulagina. – 2nd edition. Krasnoyarsk: IPC KSTU, 2003 – 332 p.
  13. Kulagin, V. A. Simulation two-phase supercavitation flows: Monograph / V.A. Kulagin, A.P. Vilchenko, Т.А. Кулагина; editor V.I. Bikov. – Krasnoyarsk: IPC KSTU, 2001. – 187 p.
  14. Kulagina T.A. Theory basics of environmental protection: Tutorial / T.A. Kulagina, Y.P. Grishenko. – Krasnoyarsk: IPC KSTU, 1996. 140 p.

Scientific articles from the list of Higher Attestation Commission and abroad:

  1. Kulagina T.A., Kulagin V.A., Popkov V.A. Compounding of spent nuclear fuel, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol., 2016, 9(2), 280 295, DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-2016-9-2-280-295;
  2. Kulagina T.A., Popkov V.A. Preparation of Radioactive Waste to Long Storage (Burial) Using of the Cement Compound, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol., 2015, 8(7), 917 927, DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-2015-8-7-917-927.
  3. Kulagina, T.A., Grishenko M.Y. Improving the environmental safety of solid fuel combustion, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol., 2015, 8(3), 377 384.
  4. Kulagina, T.A., Popkov V.A. Influence of cavitation activated water on the features of cement compound, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol., 2015, 8(3), 362 368.
  5. Kulagina, T.A., Popkov V.A. Technique of handling with nuclear fuel wastes in the nuclear industry, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol., 2015, 8(2), 194 204.
  6. Kulagina, T.A., Matushenko A.I., Shaihadinov A.A. etc. Increasing of pipelines maintenance in the Siberia and High North, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol., 2015, 8(2), 224 246.
  7. Kulagina, T.A., Popkov V.A., Haumenko N.A. Estimation of heat and mass transfer while long term preservation of radioactive wastes, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol., 2014, 7(3), 340 359.
  8. Kulagina, T.A., Kulagin V.A., Matushenko A.I. Recycling of fulfilled nuclear fuel and radioactive wastes, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol., 2013, 6(2), 123 149.
  9. Kulagina, T.A., Kuzmenko T.N., Grishenko M.E. The quality of the air in the industrial zone of the southern boundary of the sanitary protection zone of Achinsk, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol., 2013, 6(6), 591 604.
  10. Kulagina, T.A., Hagleev E.P., Hagleev P.E. Influence of parameters of frozen slag on the amount of drifting water under static interaction, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol., 2011, 4(6), 675 687.
  11. Kulagina, T.A., Kozin O.A. Extraction of deposits in enterprises for processing spent nuclear fuel, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, January, 2011, Vol. 46, Issue 9 10, pp. 573 584.
  12. Kulagina, T.A., Kozin O.A. Sediments extracting at the enterprises recycling of spent nuclear fuel, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 2010, № 10, pp. 12–15.
  13. Kulagina, T.A., Baranova M.P., Lebedev S.V. Combustion of water and coal suspension fuels of low-metamor-phized coals, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, September 2009, Vol. 45, Issue 9 10, pp. 554 557.
  14. Kulagina, T.A., Baranova M.P., Lebedev S.V. Burning of coal-water suspension fuel from low metamorphosed coals, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 2009, № 9, pp. 12 14.
  15. Baranova, M.P., Кулагина Т.А. Forming of highly concentrated coal-water suspensions from mixtures of coals with various degrees of metamorphism, Journal of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Sciences (MANEB). 2009. Т. 14. № 6. Pp. 165 169.
  16. Kulagin, V.A., Kulagina L.V., Kulagina Т.А. Nanotechnology cavitational effects in the heat-and-power engineering and other branches of production, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. technol. 2008, 1(1), 76 85.
  17. Kulagina, T.A. Development of the burning modes for water-fuel compounds which were generated by the cavitation treatment means, Chemical and Petroleum engineering. 2007. Vol. 43. № 1 2. Pp. 372 375.
  18. Kulagina, T.A. Features of burning of watered fuel oil and water-fuel emulsions in low volume furnaces, Trudi KSTU. 2007. № 1. Pp. 85–95.
  19. Kulagina, T.A. Designing of burning modes of water-fuel mixtures, obtained by means of cavitation processing, Chemical and Petroleum engineering. 2007. № 2. Pp. 28–31.
  20. Kulagina, T.A. Protecting the environment from emissions of asphalt plants using water-oil fuels obtainable by application of cavitation effects, Trudi KSTU. 2006. № 4. Pp. 85–97.
  21. Kulagina, T.A., Troshkin O.A. Improvements in the ecological safety of thermal process plants on conversion to a water-carbon fuel, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, July, 2006, Vol. 42, Issue 7 8, pp. 367 371.
  22. Kulagina, T.A., Troshkin O.A. Simulation and analysis of limited flow around bodies by an incompressible fluid, Trudi KSTU. 2006. № 1. Pp. 123–145.
  23. Kulagina, T.A., Troshkin O.A. Improving the environmental safety of thermal technological systems while switching to hydrocarbon fuel, Chemical and Petroleum engineering. 2006. № 7. Pp. 37–39.
  24. Kulagina, T. A., Kulagin V.A. The application of thermomechanical cavitational effects in various technologies, Cieplne Maszyny Przeplywowe. Turbo-machinery. Lodz: Academicke Centrum Graficzno-Marketingowe, 2005. № 128. Vol. 2. P. 333–344.
  25. Kulagin V.A., Vilchenko A.P., Kulagina T.A. Designing of dust collection installations for asphalt plant, Chemical engineering. 2005. № 12. Pp. 27–29.
  26. Kulagin, V.A., Kulagina T.A. Boundary problem of lattice flow profiles in the bubble liquid flow, Compressor techniques and pneumatics. 1999. № 3–4(22–23). Pp. 57–81.
  27. Vilchenko, A.P., Kulagin V.A., Kulagina T.A. Determining hydrodynamic characteristics of bodies under partial or supercavitation, Compressor techniques and pneumatics. 1999. № 3–4(22–23). Pp. 53–57.
  28. Kulagina, T.A. Tarasova L.A., Troshkin O.A. etc. Economic efficiency of the implementation of environmental activities, Chemical and Petroleum engineering. 1992. № 4. Pp. 48–50.

Patents and copyright certificates:

  1. Copyright certificates 1755906 USSR, MKI В01F5/00. Cavitation mixer / V. A. Kulagin, T.A. Kulagina, Y. P. Grishenko (USSR). – № 4760709/26; application. 07.08.89; published 23.08.92, bulletin № 31. – 4 p.
  2. Patent 2426150 Russian Federation, MPK G 01 T 1/00 . track detectors. Kozin O. A., Kulagina T.A., Ka-u-tin O.V. Patent holder SibFU (RU) – application 25.05.2010; published 10.08.2011, bulletin № 22.
课程时间 一个学期(30学分)
开学日期 1 2月1日
授课语言 英语

  • 环境保护学士学位(成绩单)
  • 良好的英语能力(证书或其他文件)
学费 100000(十万)卢布
报名时间 12月1日
住宿 学校提供住宿。双人套间,三人套间(20欧元/月)
其他方面 学校可以提供飞机场接送服务,以及办理赴俄留学签证需要的邀请函的服务
课程 学分
必修课程 30
研究工作 3
海水淡化使用的空化技术,地下水及废水处理 6
极地附近地区的生命支持系统 6
北方地区发展风险分析 6
技术领域对象的安全监测方法 6
学分总数 30




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