SibFU's Schlagbaum Theatre gets applause in Sicily | Siberian Federal University

SibFU's Schlagbaum Theatre gets applause in Sicily

SibFU's Youth Theatre Schlagbaum brought the classical tragedy Antigona to the XVII Youth Festival of Classical Theatre in Sicily.

SibFU's actors' application competed with 195 theatres from 26 countries to be among the 92 theatres at the festival. It was for the first time in the twenty five years of the festival existence that the event staged a Russian theatre.

The festival was organized by Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico (Non-Commercial Foudation, National Institute of Classical Drama).

Although there was no translation the play got a lot of applause and Sebastiano Aliano, the festival director, gave an enthusiastic praise to the work of Siberian students: «It was a professional performance with wonderful directing and a lot of bright acting. I am pleased to acknowledge the talent of the Russian group and we look forward to further collaboration. ». To prove his words, Sebastiano Aliano gave the group an opportunity to have the best tickets to the 'Birds', a drama by Aristophane staged in an old Greek theatre.

Krasnoyarsk audience will be able to appreciate SibFU's acting in early June.

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