Eugene Vaganov talks to the Olympic athlete Mingiyan Semyonov | Siberian Federal University

Eugene Vaganov talks to the Olympic athlete Mingiyan Semyonov

SibFU's rector Eugene Vaganov talked to Mingiyan Semyonov, the national team member, before his leaving for London to compete at XXX Summer Olympic Games. Mingiyan Semyonov is a second year student at the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Siberian Federal University.

«It's important to have courage and confidence. Fighting is easier and the pleasure of winning is greater. It's very similar to what happens in science. », — Eugene Vaganov said to the young athlete.

Mingiyan thanked the rector and his coach for support. Semyonov's coach is Mikhael Gamzin, the senior coach of Krasnoyarsk Krai team in Greco-Roman wrestling. Mingiyan Semyonov promised to do everything he can to become a winner at the Olympic Games.

Greco-Roman wrestling will be held from 5 to 7 August. Mingiyan will compete with wrestlers weighing less than 55 kilos.

A. Muller, E. Vaganov (SibFU Rector), M. Semyonov, M. Gamzin (coach)

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