SibFU team wins European championship in mini-football | Siberian Federal University

SibFU team wins European championship in mini-football

SibFU men's team won the final competition in mini-football tournament in Cordoba on 22 July 2012. The team represented Russia at the inaugural EUSA (European Universities Sports Association) Games. SibFU's team won a decisive game with a Portugal team (the University of Minho). The score was 3:1.

The inaugural EUSA (European Universities Sports Association) Games in Cordoba were held from 13 to 23 July 2012. The Games featured 10 sports and they gathered 2.500 students. The inaugural games featured the best student teams with the experience of championship in their countries. SibFU's mini-football players (men and women) won last year's Russian University Championship.

SibFU women's team won the fourth place in mini-football at the I EUSA (European Universities Sports Association) Games. The team lost to Valencia students (Spain). The score was 2:3.

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