According to Web of Science, SibFU is among the top fifteen Russian universities. | Siberian Federal University

According to Web of Science, SibFU is among the top fifteen Russian universities.

Siberian Federal University takes the fourteenth line in Web of Science prestigious index.

The result is based on the analysis of Russian universities indices in Web of Science for five years. Siberian Federal University was not included in the indices of twenty leading universities two years ago. The indices are based on the institution's publication activity and citation index. «Current SibFU's growth is linked to doubling the university's publication activity in 2008. The index stayed at this level and it never went down in the following years. , — Pavel Kasyanov, an expert and Thomson Reuter's regional research manager says. — Judging by the dynamics of its publishing activity, SibFU will continue going up in the list.».

«We will work further to keep the pace, — SibFU's Vice-Rector (Research and International Affairs) Sergey Verkhovets says. We are planning to motivate the university researchers to publish in the journals ranked by Web of Science. This is a common practice introduced in leading Russian universities. This might help to improve the average citation index which is an indicator of research efficiency. ».

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