SibFU's researchers at OECD conference | Siberian Federal University

SibFU's researchers at OECD conference

SibFU's researchers attended OECD VIII conference 'Innovation and modernization of non-urban areas'. The event was in Krasnoyarsk in early October 2012.

William Tompson, representative of the OECD Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate spoke at the event's session 'OECD Territorial Review: Krasnoyarsk, Russia'. He spoke highly of the work preceding the foundational report 'OECD Territorial Review of Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration'. The work was a joint research project of the Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies, SibFU, Krasnoyarsk Krai Governance, Krasnoyarsk City Administration and the Territoral Department of Russian Statisticians. The project was supported by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Foundation of Research Support.

The territorial review will be completed by the end of 2013. The conference session's papers presented the results of research. The speakers were Edkham Akbulatov, Head of Krasnoyarsk, and Eugenia Bukharova, Director, Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies.

Mayor of Krasnoyarsk spoke about the strategies of developing Greater Krasnoyarsk while modernizing its economy. He analyzed its socio-economic conditions and the experience of interacting with neighbouring urban and rural territories.

Eugenia Bukharova spoke on the opportunities of overcoming the disbalance of socio-economic development for urban and rural territories when building Krasnoyarsk agglomeration. She emphasized the reasons of the disbalance for the municipal structures of Krasnoyarsk agglomeration. Dr Bukharova analyzed the regional differences in the types of economic activity and employment, levels of economic performance and household incomes. The paper revealed the potential for smoothening the disbalance and asymmetrical development of urban and rural territories when demographic indicators, human potential and infrastructure are considered. The paper recommends some priorities of the agglomeration economic development (by industries).

Dr Irina Vorontsova, Head, Department of Human Resource Management, SibFU, spoke on involving educational institutions in the economic activity of urban and rural territories. The paper was presented at the session 'Modernizing Economy in Non-Urban Territories: developing professional skills'. Dr Vorontsova spoke about the experience of involving researchers and students from SibFU's economic institutes in building the strategies of socio-economic development for municipalities. For example, SibFU students take part in building the programmes of regional development, monitoring regions and analyzing development. The project is supported by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Foundation of Research Support.

«Currently, SibFU and Krasnoyarsk Krai government analyze the necessity of measures to develop regional territories and modernize their economies. The work requires research in the criteria of measuring life quality,Irina Vorontsova said. — Life quality is a key indicator of building and developing human capital in the region. The indicator is needed to regulate migration and attract skilled labour to the regions of investment and innovative activity.».

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