SibFU Dormitories Management Practices to be Adopted in Turkey | Siberian Federal University

SibFU Dormitories Management Practices to be Adopted in Turkey

An employee of the management of dormitories of the Middle East Technical University (METU) from Ankara, Kılıç Hikmet Gökhan, visited Siberian Federal University as part of the Erasmus+ professional exchange. During a week, he learned how students live in Russia in order to implement the best practices at his home university.

So, on 24 May 2022, Mr Kılıç visited several dormitories of SibFU. The foreign guest was interested in the arrangement of checkpoints at the dormitories entries and the work of service personnel — electricians, plumbers and menders. In SibFU's dormitories, it is enough to write a request for repairs in a special log, and the next day the matter will be solved. In addition, Mr Kılıç drew his attention to the work of tutors who work at each dormitory, and in the future, he plans to recommend these practices to the management at METU.

“I was astonished by the cleanliness and order in the dormitories here, and how many things have been arranged here for students — gyms and shops are located right in the buildings, residents can ask for help from the dorm manager or a relevant specialist. And if a person is in a bad mood or sad, they ask for psychological help. We do not have this practice, but I would adopt it for our students at METU,” concluded Mr Kılıç.


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