The first international graduation at the School of Business Management, SibFU | Siberian Federal University

The first international graduation at the School of Business Management, SibFU

On 1 July 2022, SibFU’s School of Business Management held the first international graduation and awarded degree diplomas to Russian graduates and graduates from China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Ghana, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Laos.

This year’s graduation ceremony at the School was for the first time held in a mixed format which brought together students and lecturers both in Russia and abroad. Those guys abroad joined the ceremony online. Foreign visiting professors who had worked with students for several years also congratulated the graduates.

The ceremony started with welcome address by director of the School Zoya Vasilyeva. She stressed that the School holds a high bar for the recruitment of foreign students for master's degree programs, which indicates the relevance and high demand of these programs.

“Many people today send their congratulations to foreign graduates. Graduates have chosen a dynamic industry in which they must constantly be one step ahead. This is a domain necessary for development of countries because it is managers who form managerial decisions for the development of business, the regions and the country. We wish you all an interesting career and plans. Siberian Federal University is your university, and we will always remember you and look forward to seing you here again,” said Zoya Vasilyeva.

“I spent two years of my master's degree course at this wonderful School and, even in the coronavirus pandemic, I constantly felt the support of lecturers and the university where I received a good higher education,” shared graduate Gu Liu from China.

The ceremony was attended by attaché of the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Krasnoyarsk Ivan Yakshibaev who also congratulated the graduates.

“We have always been and will be interested in cooperation between countries in science and education. For us, this is, first of all, an opportunity to pass on a piece of the Russian world to foreign students who will then bring it to their countries – they will tell about Russia, about our traditions, about our way of life and values. Now the Asian direction is active and cooperation with the CIS countries is being strengthened,” said Mr Yakshibaev.

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