New books: Essentials of Scientific Computing by Victor Zalizniak | Siberian Federal University

New books: Essentials of Scientific Computing by Victor Zalizniak

Essentials of Scientific Computing: numerical methods for science and engineering

Victor Zalizniak
Horwood Publishing (1 March 2008)

The modern development of science and technology is based to a large extent on computer modelling. To understand the principles and techniques of computer modelling, it is necessary to first develop a strong background in classical numerical methods.

The book covers the basic ideas of different numerical techniques and the interrelation between them, including iterative process, extrapolation and matrix factorization. Practical implementations of the methods shown are explained clearly and concisely through numerous examples, considering a variety of methods for each type of problem.

Although intended for use on a numerical methods course for engineering and science students, this text will also be invaluable to research students as a handbook on numerical techniques.

Dr Victor Zalizniak is Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics, Siberian Federal University.


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