SibFU became the fortunate possessor of the legendary musical instrument | Siberian Federal University

SibFU became the fortunate possessor of the legendary musical instrument

The concert grand «Bösendorfer» is set up in the assembly hall on 26 Kirensky Street. «Bösendorfer» is an Austrian Company, which exists more than 150 years. The unique handiwork instrument ranks among the best fifth concert grands in the world along with such grands as «Steinway», «Bechstein», etc.

Victor A. Philonov, famous tuner, nephew of Pavel Philonov (the Russian vanguard artist), came from Kurgan at the invitation of Regional Philharmonic Hall and SibFU to tune the grand. The musical major has a great experience in working with the pre-eminent piano players of the world. He tuned instruments in Italy, France and Germany.

The grand presentation will be held at the beginning of February. Konstantin Shamray, young and famous piano player from Moscow, the laureate of 6 international contests, is planned to give a recital for students and faculty of SibFU. The performance will be held with the Krasnoyarsk Academic Symphony Orchestra.

Humanitarian Institute,


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