Anatoly Chubais to visit Siberian Federal University | Siberian Federal University

Anatoly Chubais to visit Siberian Federal University

The Delegation of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO) led by Anatoly Chubais, Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation visited the SibFU Center for equipment joint use on December 17, 2009. The aim of the visit was to get an insight into R&D nano projects of the SibFU scientists.

The CEJU staff presented the University’s profile, the newest and state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and showcased 3 out of 10 laboratories of the Center. The CEJU staff also told the delegates about the latest R&D nano projects elaborated in Siberian Federal University (there are more than 100 projects on the run in the Center).

The equipment of the Laboratory of Chromatographic Methods of Analysis enables to obtain purity tests of inorganic and organic substances (water, soil, air, natural and industrial materials) accurate to 10-7%. The complicated equipment of high research efficiency generates R&D works referred to ecological toxin monitoring of territories with oil-trunk pipelines, biologically active substances of plant origin and analysis of medical supplies and their metabolites in the human organism.

The equipment of the Laboratory of Nuclear Spectroscopical Methods of Analysis enables to make micro material analysis as the laser beam has 1 mcm focus. Anatoly Chubais asked to demonstrate performance capabilities of the equipment.

The delegates saw the unique «Nano Flower» — silica scale macro model in the Laboratory of Quantum-chemical Methods of Nano-Materials Research. Pavel Avramov, Chief of the Laboratory brought it to life.

Anatoly Chubais evaluated the SibFU equipment base and defined the problem of R&D implementation and formation of the “Science-Business” correlation. He pointed out that the SibFU Center for equipment joint use can be easily involved in the majority of technological processes of the Nano Centers chain established by the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO).

For reference:

Center for equipment joint use was established in 2008 to develop the priority research areas of the University. There are more than 100 unique devices of high research efficiency in the laboratories of the Center. CEJU consists of Head Office and its specialized subdivisions spread around the SibFU Institutes.

The objective of the Center is equipment, analytical, scientific and methodical support in the area of physical methods of research and analysis in corresponding areas of teaching and SibFU research, scientific and innovation activities in the field of new materials, nano materials and mineral resources included.

SibFU Press office,


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