The best alumni from Dushanbe (Tajikistan) to study in Siberian Federal University | Siberian Federal University

The best alumni from Dushanbe (Tajikistan) to study in Siberian Federal University

Delegation of Siberian Federal University visited the Republic of Tajikistan on April 26-29, 2010. The SibFU delegation comprised Andrey Luchenkov, Deputy First Vice-Rector – Academic Affairs, Andrey Uzhva, Head of the Centre for the SCO and APR Strategic Studies, Artem Shakhmatov, Specialist of the Protocol Office of the Department of International Affairs.

The SibFU representatives conducted negotiations with Farkhod Rakhimov, First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan to discuss prospects of mutual cooperation in the future. As explained by Andrey Luchenkov, Farkhod Rakhimov showed a keen interest in providing Dushanbe alumni with the opportunity to study in Siberian Federal University at the engineering, transport and mining specialties. Experts in the field of Power Engineering are in high demand in the Republic as Tajikistan boasts its hydroelectric potential which is developed at very slow pace.

The SibFU delegation also visited Tajik Technological University and held the meeting with Anvar Abdurasulov, Rector of the Tajik Technological University to discuss further education of masters and postgraduates of the Tajik Technological University in Siberian Federal University.

The competition on informatics was held for the first time for graduating high school students in Tajik Technological University. The winners of the competition will get a splendid opportunity to study free of charge in Siberian Federal University. Andrey Luchenkov pointed out that despite all the works of graduating high school students are in the process of checking, three pupils have all the chances to enter Siberian Federal University as they got 80 grades out of 100.

SibFU Press office,


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