The advanced security and fire alarm «Strelets» to be launched in Siberian Federal University | Siberian Federal University

The advanced security and fire alarm «Strelets» to be launched in Siberian Federal University

On December 02, 2011, Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief of the Russian Federation visited the laboratory of the SibFU Institute of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering equipped with the hardware and software system called «Strelets-Monitoring».

The security and fire alarm «Strelets» serves to process and transfer data about fire threats in tower buildings and other public objects.

Sergei Shoigu said that the wireless security and fire alarm «Strelets» stands out from other alarm systems because it operates at the specially derived radio channel and transmits the signal directly to the data base of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Management and Natural Disasters Response.

Thus, the reaction to emergency situation is getting more efficient. «Strelets» system also enables to send the recall signal via roll titles, video walls, alarm bracelets and on-door speakerphone even in conditions of the mass destruction.

There are 8 buildings in Krasnoyarsk already equipped with «Strelets» system including the SibFU Institute of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering.

The microencapsulating technology was also presented within the framework of the visit of Sergei Shoigu to the SibFU enabling to eliminate fire in shields, plugs and server rooms caused by the short circuit.

By demonstrating fire proofing, Sergei Shoigu expressed his hope that «the University will continue to develop in the right direction».

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