Environmentally friendly and energy efficient street lighting | Siberian Federal University

Environmentally friendly and energy efficient street lighting

Eugene Perederey, a PhD student from the Institute of Space and Information Technology, has developed an automatic system of adaptive street lighting.

Street and road lighting, architectural and recreational area lighting, advertising lights provide security at dark hours, add to city architecture and improve visual perception.

On the other hand, light pollution affects the stability of ecosystems and has numerous negative consequences. Recent research papers have suggested a variety of solutions but the general agreement is to avoid overlighting and reduce lighting level where necessary to maintain energy efficiency.

Eugene Perederey has developed an energy efficient system of street lighting to illuminate streets, roads, houses, hotel buildings, schools and offices. According to the scientist, «metal-halide lamps, CRT lamps and LED lamps can be inefficient as light sources. However, a light control system employing LED lamps saves energy, decreases lamp depreciation and reduces light pollution».

The installation consists of numerous luminaires combined in a wireless network. It controls street and road lighting, dimming unnecessary lights and illuminating the sites a driver or pedestrian needs at a given moment. The installations include monitoring equipment to control luminaires and monitor traffic, which might help in regulating bad traffic.

The adaptive lighting project was listed among the best innovative projects of early career scientists at 2011 competition at the Moscow University of Physics and Technology.

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