Ekaterina Girshina: «Young people lack confidence» | Siberian Federal University

Ekaterina Girshina: «Young people lack confidence»

Ekaterina Girshina, director of open programmes at the 'Strelka' Institute of Media, Architecture and Design' gave a public lecture at Siberian Fderal University on 16 February 2012. The lecture was titled 'Culture as a Tool of Urban Development' and it was held as a part of lecture programme for the IX Krasnoyarsk economic forum.

Ekaterina Girshina believes that urban dwellers can influence their environment. Knowledge economy gave people more freedom and computers liberated them from the most part of industrial and technical tasks. People can choose a better place of living that corresponds to their image of a good place. Cities and towns, in their turn, might adapt to citizens' needs.«A successful city has all its four components - economy, ecology, culture and society - in equilibrium.», – Ekaterina said. This understanding turned Ruhr, the most industrial urban area in Germany, into one of the most interesting European areas. Development of Spanish city Bilbao was inspired by constructing Guggenheim museum, Leeds, an English city, became attractive for tourists when old traditions and legends were reinvented.

Strelka's director thinks that improving urban environment does not necessarily involve constructing new buildings and launching giant projects. Small projects may grow big, «the main thing is keeping courage and not limiting yourself». Ekaterina Girshina recommended that early career architects start changing urban landscapes with small projects. When the intention of the project is communicated the project is born.: «When you start communication a story with zero background turns into a powerful tool. Then volonteers assitants and initiative groups emerge».

According to Girshina, the main obstacle towards working on a project might be lack of confidence: «young people do not believe in turning their own ideas into reality», They lack persistence and consistency. Ekaterina Girshina thinks that«Good urban environments are born from unused areas and giving new life to dying spaces. Second, it is better to work with small projects that do not need large investments. Third, you need to turn citizens into active participants. Community members should have an opportunity to be designers, to make decisions regarding their space and space management».

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