Language and Politics: lectures by Gasan Guseinov, a professor at Moscow State University | Siberian Federal University

Language and Politics: lectures by Gasan Guseinov, a professor at Moscow State University

Event date:

Event place: пр. Свободный, 82,стр. 1, ауд. 3-27

Gasan Guseinov, a professor at the department of classical philology, Moscow State University will speak at Siberian Federal University between 21 and 25 May 2012. His course of lectures is called: 'Language and Politics: between criticism and social practice'.

Professor Gasanov will speak on the current methods of political language analysis. He will discuss:

  • Language policy in a multinational and multilingual society. Prescriptive versus descriptive norms in language teaching. Adults studying their native language as an educational and political issue
  • Language and Ideology: from early USSR to the first years of countries previously forming the Soviet Union.
  • The Russian language as a political and ideological issue in Baltics, Southern Caucasus, Belorussia and Ukraine.
  • Global aspects of the Russian language. Russian-speaking diasporas and new technologies. New linguistic forms: 'spoiling' or 'enrichment'?
  • The obsolete and the virulent: how linguistic structures determine social behaviour. The language and violence. The language and the truth.
  • Do critical methods match social behaviour?


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