SibFU to cooperate with Spanish Universities in Climatic Changes Research | Siberian Federal University

SibFU to cooperate with Spanish Universities in Climatic Changes Research

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The research team led by Evgeny A. Vaganov, SibFU Rector, Academician RAS took part in the International Workshop on Environment and Climatic Changes held in the University of Cadiz (Spain) on October 11-13, 2010. The Event was organized with the support of the Santander Bank.

It is necessary to recall that the similar workshop has already been held in Siberian Federal University in December 2009. The participants of the second workshop exchanged with the results of the work held during the year and discussed the possibility of Spanish scientists participation in the programme of the Centre for Ecology and Climatic Changes Research (SibFU) and further development of the international chain of Departments on Climatic Changes. The SibFU research team showed the presentation of the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) for the Spanish colleagues.

Participants of the Workshop also discussed the possibilities of holding international summer schools for students and implementing double-degree diplomas on Climatic and Environmental Changes.

At the end of the Workshop, Diego Sales Márquez, Rector of the University of Cadiz pointed out that «successful results of the Workshop organized by the SibFU and Santander Bank show a good example of fruitful realization of the Russian-Spanish cooperation projects».

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