Meeting of Russian and Cuban Rectors in the University of Cadiz (Spain) | Siberian Federal University

Meeting of Russian and Cuban Rectors in the University of Cadiz (Spain)

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Evgeny A. Vaganov, SibFU Rector, Academician RAS took part in the meeting of the Russian and Cuban Rectors on October 13, 2010. The meeting was held in the University of Cadiz (Spain) which initiated to reactivate Russian – Cuban relations in the field of education. It is necessary to recall that there are a lot of Russian –speaking faculty members in Cuba which used to have a diverse range of academic mobility programs with the former Soviet Union. Santander Bank organized the financial support of the Event.

It was the first meeting which gathered 150 participants from 72 universities of Russia and Latin America. Rectors discussed the possibilities for collaboration in educational and scientific areas. The Rector of the UCA, Diego Sales emphasized the close relationship between Spanish and Russian universities. He noted that Siberian Federal University has triggered the development of the International Department chain on Environmental Issues and the project devoted to the Spanish language teaching at the Spanish Language Centre established in Krasnoyarsk.

Cuban delegates expressed their interest in implementing three-party projects (through the intermediary of the UCA) and launching exchange scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate students to realize doctoral thesis projects and final degree projects in Siberian Federal University.

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