SibFU and NSU entered into Agreement on Cooperation | Siberian Federal University

SibFU and NSU entered into Agreement on Cooperation

On October 27 Novosibirsk State University and Siberian Federal University closed the Agreement on Cooperation. The document was signed at the meeting of V.A. Sobyanin, Rector of NSU, Professor, and Evgeny Vaganov, Rector of SibFU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
This Agreement sets collaboration relationships between the Universities aimed at more efficient implementation of intellectual and technical potential, knowledge and experience obtained within the realization of the priority national project “Education”, as well as beneficial state economic provisions for development of international and regional collaboration.
The priority areas of collaboration are:
o Development of innovation educational programs and technologies including joint educational programs with international partners;
o Training, retraining and advanced vocational training of the faculty, administration and engineering staff;
o Cooperation in the field of fundamental and applied research and training of highly qualified specialists;
o Development of academic and student mobility;
o Creation of integrated scientific educational structures in priority areas of science and technic development;
o Holding international and all-Russian scientific and educational conferences, expositions, seminars, competitions and summer schools;
o Development of students’ sports.
The Rectors paid special attention to the necessity to unite in the development of education and research in the priority scientific fields, one of which is Information Technologies.


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