Students of Department of Modern Foreign Languages are prizewinners of open regional competition | Siberian Federal University

Students of Department of Modern Foreign Languages are prizewinners of open regional competition

Students of Department of Modern Foreign Languages are prizewinners of open regional competition
«Siberian kaleidoscope-2009», the open regional competition of speaking Oriental languages was held on the 28th of February, 2009 in Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU). Students of Department of Modern Foreign Languages of SibFU Institute of Philology and Language Communication were awarded with the prize. Vladislav Ronzhin, (Department of Modern Foreign Languages, II year) took the first place in speaking Chinese in beginners’ group; Yasoni Kurashvili (Department of Modern Foreign Languages, V year) took the first place in speaking Chinese in continuers’ group; Ekaterina Ephimova (Department of Modern Foreign Languages, II year) took the second place in speaking Japanese in beginners’ group; Mikhail Levochkin (Department of Modern Foreign Languages, V year) won the grand prize in the competition of speaking Chinese; Elena Tatarnikova (Department of Modern Foreign Languages, III year) won the special prize in the competition of speaking Japanese; Miliana Plieva (Department of Modern Foreign Languages, II year) won the special prize in the vocal competition in Chinese. Yan Minbo, senior teacher of SibFU Oriental languages Department accompanied and supported students during the trip to Novosibirsk.

Institute of Philology and Language Communication ,


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