World Ski Orienteering Championship | Siberian Federal University

World Ski Orienteering Championship

World Ski Orienteering Championship was held in March 3-8, 2009 in Rusutsu, ski resort on Hokkaido near Sapporo-city (Japan).

Sportsmen of Siberian Federal University achieved good results thus cheering up their sport fans. Vladimir Barchukov, staff-member of P.E. Department and Andrew Grigoriev, V-year student of Heat Energy Department won silver medals in men’s relay-race. Polina Mal’chikova, student of Polytechnic Institute came finish second in women’s relay-race.

Alexander Y. Bliznevskiy and Valentina S. Bliznevskaya, sportsmen coaches put back into work so that their sportsmen finished the competition with flying colours!

Sports club,


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