On-line thesis defence | Siberian Federal University

On-line thesis defence

On-line thesis defence of students of Automobile Road Department (Institute of Urban Construction, Management and Regional Economics) was held on June 16, 2009 in Siberian Federal University.

The faculty of Automobile Road Department collaborates with one of the main higher education institutions of Russia - State Technical University (MADI). SibFU students decided to make such an unusual thesis defence because people from Moscow are getting more and more interested in scientific breakthroughs. The thesis defence was arranged to coincide with the birthday of Petr A. Starovoitov, former chief of «Krasnoyarsk Avtodor».

Two students of the Institute of Urban Construction, Management and Regional Economics who achieved best ever academic results presented their unique project on June 16, 2009. The project was devoted to the new road traffic accident investigation technique combined with photogoniometric methods of investigation (digital photo). Nowadays road traffic accidents are considered to be subjectified and sometimes it’s quite difficult to find who’s guilty of a road traffic accident. The new technique allows to formalize road traffic accidents in matter of minutes as film images enables to measure any distances. Consequently, the quality of probative database is improved as well as the process of road traffic accident formalization. Another advantage of the technique is a long-term storage of road traffic accident information in electronic format as the main disadvantage of the archive documents is a 5-year period of storage.

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