«Wind of changes» in Siberian Federal University | Siberian Federal University

«Wind of changes» in Siberian Federal University

Siberian Federal University signed the Agreement on Cooperation with Krasnoyarsk Department of Youth Policy, Youth Psychological and Social Aid Center and Krasnoyarsk Youth Organization «Healthy Youth for a Healthy Future» on December 9, 2009.

All parties agreed on further cooperation to promote healthy lifestyle and preserve students’ reproductive health. Vladimir I. Kolmakov, First Vice-Rector – Academic Affairs participated in signing the Agreement on the part of Siberian Federal University. He pointed out that the University is aimed at forming personal integrity of students combining with good knowledge and perfect health. That’s why, different promotional events are important to attract students’ attention to the problem of health protection.

Experts of the Youth Psychological and Social Aid Center held the demonstration lecture to raise students’ awareness in factors affecting and preserving reproductive health. Those students who couldn’t attend the lecture had an opportunity to watch it on-line at the web-sites of Siberian Federal University and the Krasnoyarsk Youth Forum.

Promotional event «Wind of changes» was the starting point of the cooperation. It consisted of different subject sections: «Blow off Cigarettes!», «Chemistry of Life», «Casual Sex», etc. Each section represented types of risk behavior affecting health. For example, students had a chance to «destroy» as many balloons with the names of sexually-transmitted infections as they could at the «Casual Sex» section.

Yuliya Okladnikova, Chairman of the Council of the Krasnoyarsk Youth Organization «Healthy Youth for a Healthy Future» pointed out that the promotional event «Wind of changes» was a first step to start thinking carefully about the future.

In 2010, public lectures on reproductive health preservation, round-table discussions, volunteer seminars, outreach campaigns and different promotional events are planned to take place in Siberian Federal University within the framework of the Agreement on Cooperation.

SibFU Press office,


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